Transforming the public story
We live in a time when there is little common vision for the future of society. The political landscape is shifting and the cultural future is very uncertain. The Christian faith has two thousand years of wisdom to offer, and yet, our churches are struggling to make their voice heard and to find ways to offer their life-giving message in the noisy chatter of contemporary culture.
The Centre for Cultural Witness exists to inspire a renewal in the public understanding of Christian faith. Through harnessing the wisdom of theologians and other Christian communicators, we aim to share a thoughtful and imaginative Christian voice through local and mainstream communication channels. Whether on social media, in newspapers, the radio or in the arts, we long to see a world where Christian perspectives are an integral part of our public discourse.
Our team
Graham Tomlin is the Director of the Centre for Cultural Witness. He was Bishop of Kensington from 2015-2022 and was deeply involved in the church’s response to the Grenfell Tower fire. He is a regular contributor to national media, such as The Times and BBC radio, and has written many books and articles, both academic and more popular. He taught theology within Oxford University for many years before helping found St Mellitus College.
Other members of the Centre’s team include:
Belle Tindall - Reporter. Having recently finished her Doctorate in Biblical studies, Belle has researched, taught, and written on numerous topics for the University of Wales, Trinity St. David. She is a regular contributor for Premier Christianity’s Woman Alive publication and LICC. She was the Editorial Manager for the online platform ‘Girl Got Faith’ and contributed to its debut book.
Luc Herren - Financial Advisor and Research Coordinator. Luc was ordained by the Protestant Church in Switzerland and runs a management consultancy in London with his wife Brigitte.
Natalie Garrett - Marketing and Communications Coordinator. Natalie is an Anglican minister based in Gloucestershire and a trained actor, who narrates the Seen & Unseen Aloud podcasts.
Nick Jones - Senior Editor. As a journalist, analyst and communicator, Nick has mastered digital media to find insights, tell stories and improve reputation across the public and private sectors. He has worked for 10 Downing Street, HS2, Visa, and publishers ranging from national newspapers to specialist research firms.
Paula Bird - Executive Manager. Paula has a strong background in fundraising, organisation and management, having worked for Alpha International in recent years. Her previous roles have included an international placement in Mexico City helping to set up a local Alpha office and more recently working as part of the fund development team forming a strategy around donor communications.
Sarah White - Programme Coordinator and Administration Assistant. Sarah has a wealth of experience having worked for various charities and churches. In addition to her administrative work, she has a background in Graphic Design.
Our partners
We are delighted to be working alongside some of the world’s leading theologians and communicators, as well as major university theology faculties in the UK, Europe and the USA. We are grateful for the generosity of those who support our work, including the McDonald Agape Foundation.
“This initiative is sorely needed for the Church in the UK and across the world at this moment, to strengthen our witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ and to harness the considerable wisdom of Christian scholars in this country and beyond.”